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Getting started with Crane

on March 4, 2025

As the Common Crane (Grus grus) is migrating back to their breeding area, it’s time to set up your own Crane server. Crane is a new open source product to host data science artifacts: data analysis reports, documentation sites, packages and libraries, you can read the introduction blog post here. This post provides a simple setup to get started with Crane using Docker Compose. First of all, make sure to install Docker and Docker compose.

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Crane 1.0.0 released!

on February 4, 2025

Publishing is an integral part of the data analysis process. Whether it’s in the form of code, reports or technical documentation, at some point artifacts need to be shared. More often than not, such artifacts are confidential and their access needs to be properly secured. There exist solutions for at least some types of artifacts, but we needed one simple tool that could help us with all the use cases we encounter in our daily practice, built with modern technology and security standards.

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tinytest2JUnit: report your tinytest results in the CI

on June 20, 2024

tinytest2JUnit: report your tinytest results in the CI Introduction “Lightweight is the right weight” is the motto of packages adhering to the tinyverse principle. One of the packages following this principle is the tinytest package, a zero-dependency unit testing framework. It is a nice alternative to the heavy-weight testthat testing framework, which (at the time of writing and including its recursive dependencies) has a dependency footprint of 30 packages!

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ShinyProxy 3.1.0

on May 7, 2024

ShinyProxy 3.1.0 Last year we released a major update of ShinyProxy, bringing High Availability, Scaling, App parameters, improved integration with Kubernetes and much more. Today’s release goes even further, bringing Pre-Initialization, Container sharing and even a new container backend. Along with these major features, the release is packed with numerous small improvements. ShinyProxy is a novel, open source platform to deploy Shiny apps for the enterprise or larger organizations. Nevertheless, ShinyProxy is also an excellent choice for deploying a handful of apps in smaller organizations.

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